Special Resident Retiree's Visa (SRRV)
SRRV FAQ: Cancellation
1. Can I cancel my SRRV anytime?
Yes, you can. SRRV holders just need to ensure that they still have 2 months left in the SRRV validity when they submit cancellation documents to PRA. If the validity is less than 2 months, SRRV holder needs to pay a pro-rated membership fee.
2. What are the requirements when I cancel my SRRV?
Accomplished Exit Interview Form
Letter request stating the reason for the cancellation of SRRV and bank instructions
PRA ID card (of each member)
Notarized Affidavit of Quitclaim
Original Old Passport/s where the SRR Visa is/are stamped (of each member)
Original New Passport/s
Emmigration Exit Clearance (ECC) (of each member)
Cancellation Fees (Additional requirements and fees may be requested )
In case of death, True Copy of the Death Certificate duly certified by the Local Civil Register must be submitted (if died abroad, the same documents and must be translated in English and authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consular Office); AND Other documents that is necessary (Extra Judicial Settlement or Self-Adjudication); Proof of relationship
Certified true copy of the Certificate of Payment of the duties and taxes due on the household goods/personal effects (if any) to be issued by the Bureau of Customs,
3. How long does it take to cancel my SRRV?
It takes about 2-3 months upon submission of complete documents and payments to PRA.
3. If I can't process by myself, can TESZARA assist me with SRRV Cancellation?
Yes, TESZARA can assist you. There will be additional documents needed, such as:
Notarized Special Power of Attorney executed by the retiree (in case SPA was executed abroad, it must have an Apostille)
Two (2) valid IDs of representative/agent
4. I converted my SRRV visa deposit into an investment. Can I sell the property and keep my SRRV?
Unfortunately, you can't. You need to cancel your SRRV first, then have the annotation on your title
removed, then that's the only time you can sell your real estate property.
5. Can I travel overseas while I wait for the SRRV cancellation to be completed?
Since you'd need to submit your passport to PRA during the process, traveling overseas would be a
6. Is there a fee for TESZARA's SRRV cancellation assistance ?
Yes, please click here for TESZARA assistance fees.